Well Jade started rodeoing already, usually he doesn't start until April but not this year so far we have been to Denver CO, Farmington NM, and Rio Rancho NM. He is roping with Jazlyns little brother Kaden it is his first year he is only 18 but so far they have done pretty good in Denver they were 6.3 on their first one and 5.7 on their second one giving them a 12.0 and it took 11.9 to make the short go. (That Sucked). At both rodeos in NM they were the first team to go knowing that they had to be 5.0 or shorter they had to just go for it and it didn't really work out but they still did good. this weekend we are heading to San Angelo TX and Salado TX. I am flying home from TX on the 15th but Jade is going on to Arizona for some more rodeos and wont be home until the first week in March. Anyways boring post just to fill you in. (I like to keep track of what we have been up to for journal purposes sorry it is boring to read)
Hazel is 7!
7 years ago
Sounds like a good time but a lot of traveling.. Hope he does good.. GOOD LUCK JADE!!
Hey girl! Sounds like you guys have been very busy. How Fun to go to all those places. It's nice that you get to go along too! I hope that he does good... I think I saw you and amanda on good things utah today! You looked so cute! Well hope the Rodeo's go good. Love you guys!
If you are around while Jade is gone we should get together. Call me.
Hey Jade and Maclee! Long time no see! How are you guys? I don't think I have saw you guys since your wedding and that seems like so long ago! I saw your little brother in the NFR this year and it reminded me of us in Vegas at the NFR like 5 years ago! Anyways I'm glad I found your blog! Its good to see your doing well!...Melanie (Barnes) Astill
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